Kaycee’s Chronicles

Escape From Reality, Succumb To Temptation

New Shoes + Vegas = Bad Idea

Here’s a post that i did on my myspace page on July 9, 2008. enjoy.
Current mood: rockin


Okay, so i had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my brand new shoes from Victoria Secret and when they arrived they were everything i imagined they’d be and more. I feel for them instantly and wanted to break them in right away.

One Problem.

I didn’t seem to realize that breaking in the new shoes in Vegas would be a bad idea until i tried it. Never try to walk the strip in new shoes. don’t do it. i swear you’ll regret it.

Now it’s two days later and my feet are still blistered up and yes, i’m still wearing the new shoes. They have to be broken in somehow so the more i wear them the sooner i’ll be able to walk like a normal person in them instead of like i’m in serious pain (which i am). 

It’s all good though, i was reassured by a friend who has the same shoes, that it only took her a couple of days to break them in, that means that if i rotate my shoes (i bought more than one pair) by the end of next week they should be all good. 

Why do i put my feet through such torture you ask? It’s all in the name of beauty. The shoes completely make my outfits cute and besides it hurts to be beautiful sometimes. 

my feet will get over it.

I hope.

Maybe not.

I wouldn’t blame them.

How about you all? Have you ever suffered in the name of beauty? I want to know.

July 27, 2008 Posted by | life | | Leave a comment

Reminiscing turned comedy

Normally when you think of reminiscing you think of remembering the good times and those that you miss, but in my family, it’s a chance to blurt out every stupid thing we ever did as cousins. Yes, I swear. If you don’t believe me then you should meet my family. All 10 aunts and uncles, 14 cousins, and a couple of grandparents sprinkled throughout. We all grew up extremely close with the cousins practically being siblings. Well, my weekend consisted of attending my brothers graduation party and sitting around with said family and talking about how we used to make improve movies named the weirdest movie ever’s 1, 2, and 3. Yes, we made three of them. Then there was the making of the time machine movie, as well as the FBI movie.

If you think I’m lying, then your stupid.

Not really. Just kidding.

A little.

Then after we laughed our butts off over those we trailed the convo over to when my cousin and I were younger and we used to sit in the bathtub “smoking” popsicle sticks and pretending to speak Spanish.

What a bunch of weirdo’s we were.

Oh wait! I still am!

Then we reminisced about the many blonde moments I’ve had in my life, including the infamous motorhome story I posted a while ago. (You can still go read it, it’s hilarious. Promise.) About how once I was so scared of a bee I jumped about a mile out of the air and flew a bag of cheese and salami like thirty feet away. The time that my uncle told me the book that I was reading was upside down (I’d been reading it for over two hours and believed him enough to check the cover to see if he was right, like I wouldn’t have noticed two hours ago) the time that I walked to the wrong table and sat down after returning from the bathroom when me and the boyfriend were eating at macaroni grill. Guess if he tried to stop me. Ding ding ding. You’re right. He watched me walk right past him, didn’t even attempt to call me name, and let it happen to me, so I blame that one on him. There’s so many more of them that it could take me seriously over an hour to write this blog so I won’t bore you and will instead save them all for a later date and possibly go into more detail about the one’s I’ve already listed.

Needless to say, I’m very surprised that after all those stories, the boyfriend still hung around and laughed about them with us. I’ve got a winner on my hands, that’s for sure.

Now it’s your turn. When you’re with your family, what kinds of things do you reminisce about? Funny stuff, stupid stuff, come on I want to know. I know I’m not the only weirdo out there.

Until next time,


Escape from reality, succumb to temptation

July 1, 2008 Posted by | life, Stuff | , | 2 Comments