Kaycee’s Chronicles

Escape From Reality, Succumb To Temptation

Saturday Adventures

So yesterday I skipped out on the Anaheim 3 Supercross because I had every intention of signing up for graduation. Yipee! Instead, while the Boyfriend went to SuperCross, I went to my parents house (which I really don’t mind because I miss them) they were going to take me to the Devry to petition for graduation. (I’m not positive, but I think they’re going to pay the graduation fees.) We get there, the department I need is closed for the day despite the website saying they are open the first Saturday of the month, not to mention I am also told that I have to pay seventy five dollars for my diploma even if I don’t participate in the graduation ceremony.
Are they crazy?
I just spent sixty grand to attend school from them to EARN a degree and now they want me to pay for something I’ve earned. I guess that’s just life for you. Lol. Needless to say I found a lot of information that I needed to know but couldn’t obtain because no one at that school returns phone calls, thankfully the student success coach who helped me was very nice. (I wish she was my success coach lol) anyways, so we turn to go back outside meanwhile my mom and I are running through the halls playing and singing and giggling like crazy and my dads standing there watching in amusement. When we go outside, it’s pouring, my mom doesn’t want to get her hair wet so she made my dad pull the car up to the curb, then I had to go run and get the umbrella from him and run back to my mom lol. It was very amusing.
When we got back to their house, I forced my mom to sit down and finish reading the second book in the Twilight Saga (NEW MOON) because I wanted to take it back home with me so that I could read it AGAIN. She didn’t finish at first and then I went to go see the movie with the entire family again. That means that I’ve seen Twilight 5 times. I know I’m obsessed right? We get to the movie theater and I find a free movie pass on the ground so I’m like sweet! I’ve seen this movie five times and have only had to pay for myself once lol. Gotta love free movie passes from Christmas lol. we get back to my parents house after the movie and I force my mom to sit down and finish the book, I made dinner, my dad put gas in my car because otherwise I’d be stranded in the pouring rain, and personally I don’t want anything to happen to me or my light blue convertible beetle. On my way home I’m concentrating on seeing the road in the pouring rain and miss my off ramp by two exits so I had to get off and then I took the side streets home.

Yes, it was a very interesting day and I didn’t even get to sign up for graduation because my last semester doesn’t start for another three weeks and they won’t have the graduation supplies ready for my graduating class until the fourth week of that semester so now I have to wait seven weeks to sign up for graduation and to top it off they aren’t open on the weekends and I work Monday through Friday 9-5. Don’t know what I’m going to do.

Whatever, it was a fun day and I couldn’t think of anything else to blog about.

Until next time.

You know you love me,

Kaycee Kacer
Escape from Reality, Succumb to Temptation.

February 8, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

From the Diary of Presley Montgomery…

This week i decided to post a journal entry written by my Presley Montgomery, the heroine from my WIP To Catch a Thief. I came across it as i was cleaning out my desk and thought that you might enjoy it.

From the diary of Presley Montgomery:

I never thought that life could take so many twists and turns as mine has this past month. I gotta say, it’s a little overwhelming, promotions, grand theft, motherhood, relationships…i feel like i’m being pulled in a million different directions. I told myself i wouldn’t let myself fall for sam, mostly because i was afraid for him to turn out like my ex. I don’t think i could survive another relationship like that.

But sam….Sam’s amazing. I’ve found myself caring for him despite my better judgment. He’s so good with my niece. Better with her than i think i am, i’m not cut out for motherhood, but i guess i don’t really have a choice now with a six year old running around. I refuse to give her up to foster care. I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone. It may be a bit overwhelming, but i find myself getting excited about seeing her everyday. she’s become the bright spot in my life, and god knows i need that to keep my mind off the mess my sister’s gotten herself into this time.

I don’t know what the hell she was thinking getting herself stuck in the middle of a diamond heist, but then again, i don’t know what Lorraine’s thinking half the time, which i guess is the reason why i find myself cleaning up her messes time and time again.

At least this time i don’t have to do it alone though, Sam’s been helping me through it. As much as i’d hate to admit it, i don’t know that i could’ve made it through this without him, then again, if it weren’t for him i wouldn’t be in the situation i’m in now because i would’t have had a clue about it.

My boss won’t let me go back to work until i get life straightened out, but she’s letting me do a lot of it from Sam’s house since she knows i need the income, what with Jasmine in my life now. Thank god she’s sympathetic. i hated being forced by her to take personal time off when she’d just promoted me to editor in chief, but Janet has a mind of her own, and doens’t take no for an answer. i think that’s why i respect her so much.

Sam on the other hand. Well, i have mixed feeling for him and yet i still find myself drawn to his presence and fighting it every step of the way. Part of me just wants to give in fully, but i don’t know if i can do that again. He’s wonderful, and sexy, and caring, and stubborn, and an ass, and rude, and i guess it really depends on what kind of mood we’re both in. I’ve never met anyone like him, and every day i find myself closer to the edge and nearly falling over. I don’t think he feels the same way though, he has one thing on his mind and that’s his job. Investigating into the jewel heist my sister was involved in. Once it’s solved we’ll both go our separate ways.

I think the knowledge of this is what makes me so reluctant to pursue anything with him, even though my body so obviously wants to. Well, Jasmine just got home, so i’ve gotta go see what she has for homework tonight.

I’m sure we’ll talk soon.

Until next time,


February 8, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Twilight: Just a Story or Words of Magic?

I’d never given much though to how much i really truly enjoy reading, but i think that it really hit me today while i was at work and all i could think about was the saga i had just finished.

You see i’ve been an avid reader for as long as i can remember, and with over 1500 books i own to choose from the choices are endless for me. I love almost every book i read, but every once in a while there’s a book or series that comes along that i can’t put down and can’t stop thinkng about, it’s as though i was PART of the story, like i was there. It takes real talent for that to happen to me and it did these last few weeks. I’d virtually abandoned my writing because of the Twilight Saga, I started the first book on January 5th and finished the last of on January 21st.

The story was all i could think about, and now my fingers are itching to pick up the first book and start the series over again jsut because i was so sad for it to end. I went and saw the movie, preordered it online for when it comes out in march and order both the instrumental soundtrack and the musical soundtrack for it. There are some good songs on it and seeing as this book and movie is all i can think about lately, maybe it will inspire me to write more. I stayed up until 2am on the 21st to finish the final book, and i remember feeling so wonderful and so sad at the same time.

This feeling is what made me realize how much my love for reading really is a part of me. I just wouldn’t be me without it. It’s crazy i know, i’m even having dreams about the book. i don’t know if something’s wrong with me or if the author was just powerful, but something about this epic love story between human and vampire just called to me. I’ve always been a fan of paranormal stories, but i hadn’t wanted to ever try writing one until this Saga came into my life.

will i be good at writing paranormal? i have no idea, but i do know that if i don’t try i’ll never know. I think what it is that made me fall in love with the story wasn’t that it was a paranormal itself, that just piqued my interest, i think it was how much the hero and heroine loved each other. it’s amazing and as i was reading it i could feel that love. it makes me feel giddy inside. Jeeze i sound like i’m crazy. Whatever, i don’t care, it’s the truth.

As i write this my body is anxious to read more of the story even though i have no more of it to read. i can’t wait until the new one comes out, while it’s not a continuation of their story, its more of the same story told from the hero’s point of view, i want to get inside his head and see what this vampire is all about. well i think i’ve let you all think i’m crazy enough for one week.

I’m going to try to get a character interview posted for next weeks blog, but we’ll see how that works out. my characters are pretty tempremental and stubborn and i can’t get them to do something if they don’t want to.
until next time.

you know you love me,

kaycee kacer
Escape from Reality, Succumb to Temptation.

February 8, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

New Shoes + Vegas = Bad Idea

Here’s a post that i did on my myspace page on July 9, 2008. enjoy.
Current mood: rockin


Okay, so i had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my brand new shoes from Victoria Secret and when they arrived they were everything i imagined they’d be and more. I feel for them instantly and wanted to break them in right away.

One Problem.

I didn’t seem to realize that breaking in the new shoes in Vegas would be a bad idea until i tried it. Never try to walk the strip in new shoes. don’t do it. i swear you’ll regret it.

Now it’s two days later and my feet are still blistered up and yes, i’m still wearing the new shoes. They have to be broken in somehow so the more i wear them the sooner i’ll be able to walk like a normal person in them instead of like i’m in serious pain (which i am). 

It’s all good though, i was reassured by a friend who has the same shoes, that it only took her a couple of days to break them in, that means that if i rotate my shoes (i bought more than one pair) by the end of next week they should be all good. 

Why do i put my feet through such torture you ask? It’s all in the name of beauty. The shoes completely make my outfits cute and besides it hurts to be beautiful sometimes. 

my feet will get over it.

I hope.

Maybe not.

I wouldn’t blame them.

How about you all? Have you ever suffered in the name of beauty? I want to know.

July 27, 2008 Posted by | life | | Leave a comment

Reminiscing turned comedy

Normally when you think of reminiscing you think of remembering the good times and those that you miss, but in my family, it’s a chance to blurt out every stupid thing we ever did as cousins. Yes, I swear. If you don’t believe me then you should meet my family. All 10 aunts and uncles, 14 cousins, and a couple of grandparents sprinkled throughout. We all grew up extremely close with the cousins practically being siblings. Well, my weekend consisted of attending my brothers graduation party and sitting around with said family and talking about how we used to make improve movies named the weirdest movie ever’s 1, 2, and 3. Yes, we made three of them. Then there was the making of the time machine movie, as well as the FBI movie.

If you think I’m lying, then your stupid.

Not really. Just kidding.

A little.

Then after we laughed our butts off over those we trailed the convo over to when my cousin and I were younger and we used to sit in the bathtub “smoking” popsicle sticks and pretending to speak Spanish.

What a bunch of weirdo’s we were.

Oh wait! I still am!

Then we reminisced about the many blonde moments I’ve had in my life, including the infamous motorhome story I posted a while ago. (You can still go read it, it’s hilarious. Promise.) About how once I was so scared of a bee I jumped about a mile out of the air and flew a bag of cheese and salami like thirty feet away. The time that my uncle told me the book that I was reading was upside down (I’d been reading it for over two hours and believed him enough to check the cover to see if he was right, like I wouldn’t have noticed two hours ago) the time that I walked to the wrong table and sat down after returning from the bathroom when me and the boyfriend were eating at macaroni grill. Guess if he tried to stop me. Ding ding ding. You’re right. He watched me walk right past him, didn’t even attempt to call me name, and let it happen to me, so I blame that one on him. There’s so many more of them that it could take me seriously over an hour to write this blog so I won’t bore you and will instead save them all for a later date and possibly go into more detail about the one’s I’ve already listed.

Needless to say, I’m very surprised that after all those stories, the boyfriend still hung around and laughed about them with us. I’ve got a winner on my hands, that’s for sure.

Now it’s your turn. When you’re with your family, what kinds of things do you reminisce about? Funny stuff, stupid stuff, come on I want to know. I know I’m not the only weirdo out there.

Until next time,


Escape from reality, succumb to temptation

July 1, 2008 Posted by | life, Stuff | , | 2 Comments

My Voice….

Yes, that’s right my voice. I think i found it. Not that i’d ever lost it or anything. and no i’m not talking about my actual voice. I’m referring to my writing voice. I recently did a prompt and the flow of the words came so easily for me, never as they have before. i’ve never really had trouble writing, but i never though that when you found your voice things could flow so smoothly. Also, i never realized how outgoing that voice really was. I had so much fun with it, and created a hero that just about makes me wish i could stare at him in my mind for hours on end. lol. Oh wait, i can in my head haha. It seems to me, if i can stick it out that i might be able to target myself to something like Harlequin Blaze and some single title publishers as well. Can’t wait to see how it pans out. Of course, thief isn’t written in that voice, for me that story need more of a serious tone to it, but it’s coming out well enough for a first MS. I think when i do the rewrite of Desire i’m going to do it in my new found voice, maybe it was just what the story was missing. everytime i tried to go back and edit it i just couldn’t. I think doing a rewrite but following the same story line and using my new found voice mught just be the trick.

In other news, i’ve figured out that the IRS hates me, i think it’s because they don’t want to give me anymore money. you see i was a good girl and did my taxes early and got lotsa money back and i htink now they’re trying to withhold my stimulus check. so pretty much i’ve come to the realization that they’re secretly against me. Don’t they understand that i could really use that money???? really want to pay off my credit card you know? I think the only way to keep my mind off the IRS and their plan to get back at me for taking money from them already (even though it was money owed to me) is to imagine my delectable treat that i created in my mind….let’s see if that works…..mmmm…..yup. the only thing that could make that vision any better would be chocolate. haha. okay well i know it’s been forever since my last post, but i’ve had a lot of free time and spent it writing my MS. i’ll try not to be such a stranger next time.

Kaycee Kacer

Escape from reality, succumb to temptation

June 27, 2008 Posted by | life, Stuff, writing | , , | Leave a comment


Yes, I am a California girl through and through, and I love knowing that we have awesome weather out here. However, I have my limits and today when my car’s thermometer read 110 degrees I decided that was it. I’m protesting the sun until it can keep its beautiful, gorgeous, extremely hot rays at a nice comfortable mid 80’s. Not 110. Summer barely started so you just know 110 degrees is going to be nothing compared what were in for so I ask of you, Sun, whom I love so much, please cool off so that I can enjoy your heat rather than run from it. I so hate having to do that. There are already enough things for me to be frustrated with to have to be frustrated with you too. Please give me a summer that I can enjoy and not one that I have to coop myself up inside for, I already had to do that from fall to spring because I got too cold. Just work with me on this one, okay? Thanks.

As for you, the readers, how about sharing your favorite season while praying to the sun with me, that he’ll cooperate!

Kaycee Kacer

Escape from reality, succumb to temptation

June 18, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Which Motorhome is Ours??????

As promised here is a tale of the past. It’s a funny story really, one full of humor because in case you didn’t know…the color of my hair is…drum roll please…BLONDE! That’s right folks, i may pretend to be smart graduating from college in a year with a BSBA in accounting and being the bookkeeper and HR Manager for three companies, but it’s all a facade. That’s right i’ve fooled you all. *laughs evily* So here’s what you’ve been waiting for….

Every year my whole entire family (and that’s a lot of people) when i say whole entire family i mean aunts, uncles, and cousins also, take a trip up to Montana to Yellowstone National Park for three weeks. COunt them. THREE, gorgeous weeks in the mountains where i can see the stars, listen to the running river and laugh over the cute furry squirrels that run amuck at the campground. Now, i know what you’re saying, “But Kaycee, i thought you were a California Girl” And you know what? it’s true, but it’s nice to get away and be able to breath something other than smog for a change. Alas, ever since i got a job and had to start paying my own bills i haven’t been able to take this wonderful vacation. it’s been four years since i’ve gone and six years since the following incident occurred.

So there i was minding my own business helping my darling aunt take out trash to the dumpster. i was hunning along to whatever tune had been in my head at the time (i would say i was listening to my characters argue like i usually do now, but i hadn;t started writing back then) on my way back i wasn’t paying much attention because i knew where my motorhome was located so i continued humming all the way up the steps, into the motorhome and onto the couch. When i sat down i could hear a dog barking from inside. Now, mind you, it never occured to me that we didn’t have a dog, i was just a little absent minded, so i looked up and there sitting at the dining table were two strangers staring at me oddly.

That’s right folks, yours truly walked into the wrong motorhome. needless to say, i got up immediately and ran to my own motorhome which was next door. that’s right i missed my own motorhome by one. if i had been paying attention instead of being the blonde that i am, then i wouldn’t have had that problem. But i couldn’t keep the incident to myself and told my entire family about it. now, they won’t let me live it down. which i don’t mind because it’s only one of many many stories like it and it’s nice tobe able to make people laugh. even if it is at my expense. maybe i’ll share the other stories sometime soon.

Now’s your turn, go ahead and share an embarassing moment with me. I think its only fair considering i’m always the one being laughed at. now it’s my turn to laugh at your expense. lol. j/k. but seriously, tell me something embarassing! Can’t wait to read it.

Until next time,

Kaycee Kacer aka THE BLONDE!

Escape from reality, succumb to temptation

June 16, 2008 Posted by | life | | Leave a comment

Dear Father,


thank you for always being there for me and for always believing in me. For taking care of me when i needed help, for fixing and washing my car, for helping me with loans for college, for loving me more than i could ever ask for. you are by far the best dad in the entire world and i couldn’t ask for a better one than you. I’m always there for you as you are for me, never underestimate my love for you because i love you with all my heart. So here’s to you dad, on your day.

I love you.

Kaycee, your super genius and lalabug.


Kaycee Kacer

Escape from reality, succumb to temptation.

PS: tomorrow…perhaps i will share a blonde moment from my past with all of you.

June 15, 2008 Posted by | life, Stuff | , | Leave a comment

Almost there….

I only have  a few more days left of school until my two weeks off and I can’t begin to tell you how ecstatic i am. I am getting so tired of doing homework all the damn time and it makes it harder when all i want to do is write my story. I am planning on entering it into some contests, and that really motivates me to get it done, but it’s kind of hard to do that when i have tons of school work so guess what i will be doing my entire time off besides going to work? That’s right, i’ll be relaxing and writing at night and i may even find time to cook dinner again because i gotta say, i’m really starting to miss my homecooked meals. I am a pretty damn good cook if i do say so myself. it’ll be nice to have time to do it all. Well, that’s all that’s really going on today, but you can bet that you’ll be hearing from me soon!

Kaycee Kacer

June 13, 2008 Posted by | life, writing | , | Leave a comment