Kaycee’s Chronicles

Escape From Reality, Succumb To Temptation

Random Rambles- the synopsis

This week I conquered that bitch of a synopsis and if you’ve been following me on twitter you’d know that. I conquered the one page synopsis and now am ready for anything.

That Bitch thought she could take me?


I don’t think so. 

I’m not going to be conquered by something as dreaded as the synopsis. I’m not going to let it stop my writing career.

Well, whatever my writing is at the moment isn’t a career really.

But I hope it will be soon!

In writing that damned thing though it made me think….

If publishers and agents want us to quit so bad then why don’t they just say “Sorry we are no longer and never will again be accepting submission.”

I mean seriously, this thing really is a pain in the ass, but i guess it makes us stronger and i understand that they’re busy and want to know that a book is worth it by just reading a few pages of a summary, but really how can they tell that a books good enough just from a damn synopsis? 

Whatever…I’m game for it ONLY because i want to be published eventually and will do whatever it takes.

But it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

I mean, who could like writing a synopsis?

It’s called the dreaded synopsis for reason after all.

So i’ll dread it because I suppose that’s what i should do, and I’ll write it because I have to and that will be that.

March 8, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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