Kaycee’s Chronicles

Escape From Reality, Succumb To Temptation

An Interview with Presley Montgomery

Most of you are probably wondering why I missed writing in my blog last week. Well, I’ll tell you. It’s all Presley Montgomery’s fault. I wanted to get to know her better and do an interview with her, but she found out I’d posted some of her diary entries and she was more than a little peeved. So after almost two weeks of trying to convince her to do an interview I finally have it.


Without further ado….an interview with Presley Montgomery.


Hi Presley, Thanks for agreeing to meet with me


Yeah, well I’m still mad at you, but you’re just as capable of making my life a living hell as I am at making yours one.


Ha. So true. Let’s get started. Do you remember your first kiss?


I do. A loooong time ago when I was in high school and completely in love with James, the Student Body President.


How old were you when you lost your virginity? Who was it with?


Well, you get right down to the nitty gritty don’t you? Not that it’s any of your business, but it was with James towards the end of our senior year. I was still completely in love with him. He was careful with me, but it didn’t occur to me until recently how unmemorable it was and that my feeling towards him were what I imagined they should be.


So you weren’t in love with him?


I think I was in love with who I thought he was, who he was in my own mind.


I’m sorry. I think a lot of us go through that when we’re young. Do you believe in love at first sight?


I used to. Not anymore though, I think that life’s to hard and that things like that don’t just get handed to you on a silver platter.


That’s an interesting perspective. What is your ideal date?


God, that’s a tough one. I haven’t been on a date in a long time. I would actually prefer to not go on one ever again. I like my solitary life, it works for me, but if I had to choose I’d say a candlelight picnic on the beach followed by a moonlit walk down the shore.


That’s awfully romantic for someone who wants to live their life alone.


Yeah, well in a perfect world…

Do you want children?


Surprisingly, yes. I don’t want to so much be alone as to not have to deal with men again, but ever since Jasmine came into my life I found myself wanting to be a mom more than ever.


That’s sweet. What kind of relationship did your parents have?


I don’t know. My dad died right after I was born so I never knew him, but from what my mom told me their love was one of a kind. I thought it was nice to be able to find something like that, but typical that life steals away everyone’s happiness. My mom survived though, at least as long as she could. For as long as I could remember she battled cancer, constantly going into remission only to have it return. It killed me to see her like that, but I remember when she was healthy in between the cancerous phases of her life, she would teach me how to cook. I used to love it. She always looked so happy an peaceful like she could do it forever. But her sickness left to me to be the mother, I had to grow up fast. Ever since I was old enough to work the stove I took care of my own mother and handled my trouble making sisters messes. I looked forward to when my mom was healthy so I could be a kid. It didn’t happen that often though and she passed away a few years ago.


I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds like a pretty rough childhood. So did you have a good relationship with your mother then?


I don’t really want to talk about her anymore. It’s too hard.


Okay we’ll skip that topic for now. Tell me about your best friend.


Don’t have one. Never did really. In school there wasn’t any time and now I concentrate on work and living my life, and now Jasmine.


You really do like solitude don’t you? When was the last time you told your sister you loved her?


I stopped telling Lorraine I loved her the day I walked into my own home and found her in my bed with my husband. Needless to say, I cut her out of my life and divorced the asshole.


Did you have pets growing up?


No we couldn’t because of my mother.


Do you agree that money is the root of all evil?


Yes, which is another reason I don’t get along with my sister and am always cleaning up her messes.


What is more important to you? Money or love?


I used to think love and I think a small part of me still believes that but its hard when you’ve been alone for as long as I have and all you have is money.


Are you good with your money?


I’m very good with my money and I do my job well and I love it. It’s a good thing too otherwise I wouldn’t be able to support my niece.


Would you rather have a job that pays well or fulfills you creatively?


Can’t I have both? The truth is I do. I’m editor-in-chief of a well known magazine and I love it. But honestly, I don’t think I could do something that didn’t make me happy even if it did pay well.


Were your parents financially secure?


It was tough growing up because most of the money went to the Dr. bills. I picked up a part time job in high school and my mother received a small inheritance when my grandparents passed away and then again when my father passed away. Nothing big, but it was enough so that by combining our money we were able to make ends meet and then when she was “healthy” she would work a part time job from home to make some more. It was hard, but I think I’m stronger for it.


What was your most painful memory growing up? How about your happiest?


My most painful memory would be continually seeing my mother fight cancer, win, and then have it come back. I think that if Lorraine and I weren’t around she would have stopped fighting long before she did. My happiest would be when my mother and I would bake and cook together.


What is your greatest fear?


Losing my heart to another man like James. I don’t know if I could handle it again, the cheating, the degradation, isolation, and emotional abuse. I know it scarred me, but I’m not sure how to fix it or let myself take a chance on another man. Even if he deserves it.


What about Sam?


Don’t get me started on him. He’s an arrogant and stubborn man. He drives me crazy and I’m so utterly attracted to him that it pisses me off. But yes, I think he deserves a chance. I just don’t think I can give it to him.


What did you want to be when you grew up?


I know this sounds weird, especially after spending my entire childhood acting like a mother, but I wanted nothing more than to me a stay at home mom and have a family who I loved and loved me in return. Things don’t always work out the way you want them to though.


Have you ever considered suicide?


You’d think so after living through so much hurt and heartbreak, but no I haven’t.  Not even once. It’s the easy way out and life isn’t supposed to be easy. At least that’s my opinion.


If you could go back in time and change one decision you made, which one would you change?


Marrying James. I was so young and in love with being in love and in love with the man I thought he was that I jumped into it too fast and ended up hurt and scarred and too nervous and afraid to do anything about it. That is until I found him in bed with Lorraine. I’m choosing another one too…I wished I never got into the habit of cleaning up Lorraine’s messes because she used it to take advantage of me. She knew me and knew that despite how angry and upset I was with her, that I loved her and I would take care of her because she was my sister. Not anymore though, that night with James was my last straw.


Well, this has been a pretty intense interview. Thanks for taking the time to do it. I’m sure the readers will love it.


Yeah, well don’t think it’s going to become a habit or anything.


No, I think once is enough. I’ll see you around.


Yeah. See ya.

April 12, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment